NordicTrack T5.5 S Folding Treadmill


NordicTrack T5.5 S Folding Treadmill is designed to be a commercial quality treadmill, built for at-home use. The T5.5 S is all about providing the user comfort, versatility and choice. With the iFit integration (Subscription NOT included) you will get access to 16,000+ on demand workouts, live interactive training, easy stat tracking, as well as new daily workouts.

There is a SMART-Response Drive System, which utilises a 2.75 CHP DurX Commercial Plus Motor. This powerful motor reduces vibration and allows you to get a stable and solid workout throughout. It also comes with an AutoBreeze workout fan, which will keep you cool through intense workouts.

In terms of performance specifications, there is 0-12% digital incline as well as a max speed of 19 km/h, which puts the T5.5 S in the higher range of the market when it comes to max speed and therefore means this treadmill is suitable for a variety of users, from beginners to intermediates and even for more advanced athletes.

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